In 2024 there will be no Eurocup Rueda de Casino. But we are optimistic, that the competition for Rueda teams from all over the world will return in future time.
European Championship Rueda de Casino
The ruedacup Stuttgart already has been the most important competition for Rueda de Casino in Europe for groups up to eight couples. That's the reason why ruedacup Stuttgart has become 2015 the official open European championship for Rueda de Casino. Of course the story will be continued in 2020. So take part with your team and win the title, the Eurocup Rueda de Casino 2020. The championship's final will take place on Saturday evening during the gala party.
More information you will find here:
The champions will not only win a cup but also at least 1.000 Euro in cash!!! If you are interested to take part, just contact us. To make it more easy for us to plan the competition we kindly ask you to register until the 15th of April.
By the way: groups, dancing the cup, can order fullpasses for very special conditions. Just feel free to ask for.
Here are the European Champions 2019 "La Magia del 3+2", more clips you can find in videos: