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Final 2024 Workshop schedule will be online in summer 2024.

Draft Workshops: view   download


Party Night  Workshops: view   download

Rueda y Ritmo

Rueda y Ritmo will offer a complete new workshop idea: of course we are still the biggest and most important event for Rueda de Casino, but from now on we on top the event for Musicality in Salsa cubana.
Musicality gives us the chance to offer workshops for many different aspect and parts of dancing, to support good dancers to become even more better dancers:

- Basics for several traditional cuban dances
- recognize and understand different types of music and dance better on or in it
- use Breaks of the music in your dance
- Body movement fitting to the music and istruments
- "a tiempo" and "contra tiempo" (e.g. Salsa & Son), understanding and changing within a dance
- instruments & percussion in cuban music
- fusion of several cuban dances with Salsa (recognize and use in dance)
- and and and...
- ...

There is quite an unlimited number of ideas of Musicality workshop topics.

Our plan for 2024 is, to offer Rueda workshops in at least 1-2 rooms and the plan is to offer in 1-2 rooms Musicality workshops. And of course there are topics fitting to both main topics, e.g. Rueda-musicality, Rueda choreos.

Please check out, that you comply with the requirements to take part at the different levels. More information you can find in the download area. Please respect the levels. We reserve the rights to ask participants to join a lower level. This is not to punish or anger somebody, but to keep a high quality of the festival workshops.

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